May Hot Products






Viance Offers Enhanced Warranties

To alleviate any confusion and clarify what you can expect from their treated wood products, Viance LLC enhanced its existing Lifetime Limited warranties for residential preservatives to highlight the acceptable use of Above Ground treated wood products. Recent changes to the American Wood Protection Association (AWPA) standards have led to the misconception that all deck framing, including joist and beams, must be treated to Ground Contact retentions; but this simply isn’t true. The AWPA standards do not require all joists and beams to be treated to Ground Contact (UC4A) retentions, and Above Ground treated wood (UC3B) remains IBC and IRC code-compliant for common deck framing applications.

The new Viance warranty enhancements include slight variations of the following statement: Viance warranty coverage includes Above Ground treated wood framing members that are critical to the safety and performance of the structure, including joists and beams.

“The additional language on our warranty demonstrates the confidence that Viance has in the AWPA, and its standards setting process for treated wood,” says Tim Schrader, Director of Sales and Marketing. “The recent modifications to the standards language has created confusion in the marketplace with builders, retailers and code officials … These enhancements to our warranties clarify our general industry position; Above Ground treated wood, treated to AWPA standards and used properly, should meet customer safety and performance expectations without the need to introduce excessive amounts of chemicals into the environment, or to potentially increase costs unnecessarily.” Visit to learn more.

Mold Magnet

Mold Magnet from Healthful Home has been laboratory-proven to improve the HVAC and furnace filter capture rate for biological microbes in your home or office. Mold Magnet has been field-tested to demonstrate increased capture of molds, bacterial and viral particles up to 1000x more effectively than untreated filters. Nano-sized particles (virus-sized) are more effectively captured in standard filters typically rated for much larger particles (10 microns or greater). This increased capture rate means you can achieve filtration efficiencies found in much more expensive filters (MERV 13 or higher) while using lower cost standard filters (MERV 8 or lower). Each bottle will treat at least a year’s worth of standard-sized filters (12 or more), a potential savings of hundreds of dollars per bottle. Even better, because you are using lower-rated MERV filters when using Mold Magnet, the decreased back pressure on HVAC systems means less strain on blower motors and less potential maintenance. Anyone suffering from allergies or sensitivities to microbial contamination in their HVAC systems should consider trying Mold Magnet on their filters. For more information, visit

Hot Product


Maze STORMGUARD® nails are double hot dipped galvanized and have a thick coating of zinc for maximum corrosion-resistance. All Maze STORMGUARD® Nails meet and exceed the ASTM A 153 specification for hot-dip galvanizing. Maze manufactures quality double hot-dipped nails for fiber cement siding, cedar and redwood siding, roofing, cedar shakes and shingles, PVC trim products, […]