What’s a more Durable Wood Finish, Shellac or Varnish?

Q: What’s a more durable wood finish, shellac or varnish?

A: All wood finishes fall into one of two categories: evaporative or reactive. Evaporative finishes such as lacquer or shellac dry as the solvent dissolves. These finishes can then be stripped away by reapplying the solvent. Reactive finishes (such as linseed oil and varnish) bond with the woodgrain through a chemical reaction, which typically makes them more durable.

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Maze STORMGUARD® nails are double hot dipped galvanized and have a thick coating of zinc for maximum corrosion-resistance. All Maze STORMGUARD® Nails meet and exceed the ASTM A 153 specification for hot-dip galvanizing. Maze manufactures quality double hot-dipped nails for fiber cement siding, cedar and redwood siding, roofing, cedar shakes and shingles, PVC trim products, […]