Q: What type of wood do you suggest for building outdoor projects?
A: Whether you’re building a deck, gazebo, raised garden bed or front porch, using natural, authentic wood is an excellent choice that affords several different options.
Pressure-treated wood is the number one decking material in the country, and a long-time favorite of DIYers, builders and remodelers everywhere. Pressure-treated Southern Pine is strong, durable, beautiful, affordable, readily available and environmentally friendly.
For centuries, builders, homeowners and craftsmen have valued a second option—Western Red Cedar—for its natural beauty and durability. Cedar fibers contain natural compounds called “thujaplicins” that act as natural preservatives, making the wood extremely long-lasting.
Redwood is also a beautiful, decay-resistant and all-natural building material that offers a striking, high-quality option for your wood deck or any other backyard DIY project.