The Centipede Sawhorse

Introducing a Revolution in the Evolution of the Traditional Folding Sawhorse

Traditional sawhorses have been around for hundreds of years. In fact, they’ve been around for so long, no one is certain where the first commercial version was made. Today, there are many to choose from, but they all have the same fundamentally flawed design that fails to account for some simple laws of physics. As in nature, man’s tools slowly evolved over time: Jagged shards of shattered rock became razor sharp knives and spears became rifles. Now, the sawhorse has evolved into an entirely new animal: The Centipede Sawhorse™.

CSH Unfold
The Centipede Sawhorse™ is a heavy duty yet surprisingly lightweight job site work support system that will have you saying goodbye to traditional sawhorses altogether. This lightweight and compact work support system – the ultimate portable sawhorse or workbench/table base – sets up in just 3 seconds with no assembly. When the job is done, it folds down just as quickly into a compact unit that is easily carried and transported.

Features & benefits of the Centipede Sawhorse

Intelligent DesignDurable ConstructionP-TopsBench ClampsX-Cups

With many points of support, the Centipede can support an incredible amount of weight while keeping even the thinnest sheet material from sagging. The patented design of the Centipede features sturdy vertical posts constructed of welded steel tubing, flat steel cross beams and durable molded polymer feet and P-Tops that prevent damage to the board, saw blades or the Centipede.

The Centipede Sawhorse™ is available in two sizes, the PRO version which supports sheet materials and table tops up to 4’ by 8’ and a DIY version that is 2’ by 4’. Each kit includes Bench Clamps that can be used to keep materials in place and X-Cups that conveniently accommodate standard 2 x 4 boards for quick cuts. What was once a two man job has become an easy job for one.

Developed by a now retired inventor who has decades of experience making many of the tools found in workshops commercially available in local hardware stores and big box retail chains around the world, the Centipede Tool team asks that you join them in bringing this incredible product to market. The inventor, Ed Adkins, has this personal appeal: “We’ve started a crowd funding campaign where you can pre-order your Centipede from the first production run.  We are taking orders for single units up to pallet quantities and are priced as low as 40% off of the projected MSRP. I would truly appreciate your consideration in supporting this project.”


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