Q. How do I repair cracked, damaged stucco from around a window?
A. Home-improvement stores sell premixed dry stucco in bags just like concrete. Chisel out the damaged areas of existing stucco and cut away the old metal lath from the wall. Reapply new metal lath to the wall, cutting it to overlap the old lath by 2 inches and fastening it with roofing nails. Mix the stucco with water according to the package’s instructions. Trowel on a scratch coat over the lath about 3/8-inch thick. As it starts to set, use a straight piece of lath to comb ridges in the scratch coat. Next, trowel on the second coat until it’s flush with the existing stucco. Feather out the second coat with a wet sponge float so it blends with the rest of the stucco wall. Then, use the edge of a trowel to knock down the stucco so it matches the existing house texture.