Whether you are staying ahead of regulations, are genuinely concerned for the environment, or looking for the perfect finish for your hardwood deck or siding, DeckWise® has the perfect options.
With the current ramped-up talk over additional state regulations for lower VOC levels on wood coatings and finishes, many people are seeking new solutions for wood finishes. This industry wide push will not go away and already affects many brands. If you live in an area with current low level VOC regulations, you are already accustomed to the benefits of a low VOC wood finish.
While the DeckWise® flagship hardwood finish, Ipe Oil®, is already a low 250 g/l VOC, we have introduced a new Ipe Oil® 100 g/l VOC hardwood finish to meet these more strict regulations. This is the same great formula, just with a lower VOC.
Additionally, our launch of WiseCoat® which is a 53 g/l VOC environmentally friendly formula may be a perfect product for anyone seeking a water-based finish.
Our WiseCoat® Premium Hardwood Deck, Siding & Fence Sealer is a waterproofing sealer for hardwoods or thermally modified woods as a durable, long-lasting finish. It penetrates deep to coat the microscopic wood fibers and is guaranteed to impede water intrusion for up to 10 years on vertical surfaces and 6 years on horizontal surfaces. That’s pretty amazing!
Both Ipe Oil® and WiseCoat® finishes prevent the harmful effects of mildew and mold, dry rot, cupping and peeling of most any wood specie. Each is a non-film forming formula allowing wood to age naturally and their semi-transparent tint adds UV blockers to prevent your project from graying, while enhancing the natural wood grain.
Whether you are staying ahead of regulations, are genuinely concerned for the environment, or looking for the perfect finish for your hardwood deck or siding, DeckWise® has the perfect options.
For more information visit https://www.deckwise.com/hardwood-deck-waterproof-sealer.html