New speakers added to the Home Improvement eRetailer Summit’s Influencer Panel

The founders of a Chicago-based content creation agency and a popular DIY and décor blog are the latest additions to an impressive roster for the panel about working with influencers to craft authentic content, which will be presented during the upcoming Home Improvement eRetailer Summit.

Lauren Kelp is founder of Studio Alcott, a boutique agency for digital, print, and editorial publications. After a decade of blogging partnerships through with such clients as ELLE, Martha Stewart, Starbucks, Nike, and Kendall-Jackson, Lauren utilizes her first-hand digital influencer knowledge to help brands build stronger content and better campaigns.

Casey Finn and Bridget Matkovich, two first-time homeowners, launched their blog, The DIY Playbook, in 2013. That blog—about projects they tackle with products they love—has snowballed to where it now gets 500,000 site visits per month, nearly all of whom are from women.

On the Influencer Panel, Lauren, Bridget, and Casey will join Ryan DeChance, Director of Discovery for The Grommet, a fast-growing online and bricks-and-mortar retailer of home improvement products. The panel’s moderator will be Deborah Shearer, Founder and CEO of Table + Dine, a lifestyle branding and marketing studio.

“Influencer marketing is booming,” says Shearer. But it’s also a new component to digital marketing, and organizations face new challenges and experiences when working with Influencers. Those challenges, says Shearer, include Identifying the most relevant influencer to their brand, proving the value and ROI to company executives, and negotiating terms.

Bridget says that she and Casey prefer partnering with retail brands such as Lowe’s, HomeGoods, and Michael’s that “don’t interfere with our personal voice” or stifle their creativity. Their blog’s success pivots as well on feedback they solicit from readers via their blog and social-media channels like Instagram. “It’s about engaging in direct communication, and it’s really about enjoyment,” says Casey. “We’re always chatting with our readers.”

Bridget and Casey think their panel will help the Summit’s audience understand better how brands can establish long-lasting relationships with influencers. That might be especially true for brands that don’t have big marketing budgets. “Working with influencers might be the best way to go,” says Bridget.

For more information about taking advantage of the early bird rate, please contact Sonya Ruff Jarvis at [email protected] or 203-295-3385.

About the Home Improvement eRetailer Summit

The Home Improvement eRetailer Summit is the only face-to-face North American event that focuses on home improvement ecommerce through networking, education, and one-to-one meetings. It is designed for all types of retailers, manufacturers, distributors and industry professionals who are interested in gaining intelligence and insights on how to optimize the internet as a distribution channel to sell more home improvement products. The Summit is owned and operated by the JC Event Group.

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