Method of Extracting a Broken Fence Post

fence post diagram

Q: Is there any easier method of extracting a broken fence post than digging up the entire concrete base?

A: After removing the fence rails from each side, loosen the post and footing by rocking it from side to side. Dig out some of the dirt around the post and lean it back and forth. If it’s too heavy or firmly embedded in concrete to remove, you can extract it by using a car jack. First, nail or screw a foot-long 2×4 block to the post about 18 inches from the bottom. This will be your lifting point. Nail a 2×6 crosswise to the post directly beneath the block, forming a “t” shape. Rest one end of the 2×6 on the car jack and the other on concrete blocks. Raise the jack to lever the 2×6 and lift the post up by the 2×4 block.

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