Installing Base Molding

Q: Is there a standard height for base molding? And do you have any tips for installation on a new floor?

A: You want to install the flooring first, and then install the baseboard, nailing into the wall studs. There’s no hard and fast rule about what the proper height is. There are a variety of baseboard profiles to choose from and a variety of styles. They range from simple trim about 3 inches high to more elaborate pieces in the ballpark of 6 inches high. The taller 6-inch baseboards seem to be popular these days. To hide floor imperfections, raise the base molding approximately 1/8 to 1/4 inch with shims. You can cover the gap using flexible shoe molding, which can be formed to fit any floor imperfections. And if you cope the inside corners, your molding joints will have a seamless appearance.

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