Johnson Hardware has been engineering and manufacturing world-class pocket-door hardware for over 65 years. Much of its success is based on the belief that there are always new ways to improve the user experience with its products. Case in point: Johnson’s innovative Hidden Pocket Door Guide Kit.
It provides an innovative way to keep a pocket door centered in the wall pocket. As a result, the door slides smoothly and straight, to help prevent it from banging against the finished jambs.
The hidden guide consists of a narrow metal bracket that’s fitted with a protruding resilient-plastic fin. To install the guide, start by cutting a 5/16-inch-wide x 1-inch-deep groove into the center, bottom end of the door. The simplest way to cut the groove is with a router equipped with a spiral-flute mortising bit, but you can also use a shaper with a slotting cutter or even a portable circular saw.
Next, use a hammer and chisel to cut a shallow 3/32-inch-deep x 1 1/8-inch-wide x 1½ -inch-tall mortise into the latch-side edge of the door, entered over the groove. (The mortise accepts a metal plate that conceals the groove after installation.) After cutting the groove and mortise, apply a finish (paint or varnish) to both sides and all four edges of the door.
Follow the installation instructions to hang the door in the pocket-door frame. Make the necessary adjustments to ensure the door is plumb and level, and that it slides fully open and close without resistance or obstruction.
Now, before installing the finished jambs, open the door all the way to gain access to the floor bracket located at the edge of the front pocket opening. Set the hidden guide on top of the floor bracket. Secure the hidden guide to the floor with a single screw. Bring the door back into the opening and slide it open. The groove in the door bottom will fit over the protruding fin of the hidden guide, keeping the door on track and traveling perfectly straight. Conceal the groove and fin by screwing the metal plate into the shallow mortise cut earlier.
The Hidden Door Guide Kit includes a metal mortise cover plate, all necessary screws and two door guides: use the shorter one for fastening to a finished floor, or use the taller one for direct attachment to the sub-floor.
The hidden guides are compatible with the following Johnson pocket door frame series: 2000, 2060, 1500, 1560, and 2511.
For long-lasting durability and high performance, Johnson Pocket Door Hardware exceeds ANSI standards, which means it can successfully complete 100,000 opening and closing cycles.
Since 1958, Johnson Hardware has been producing high quality sliding, folding and pocket door hardware for residential and light commercial applications. The Company protects the health and safety of its employees and surrounding communities and ecosystems. It uses natural resources including raw materials, energy and water as efficiently as possible.
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