By: Hal Jones
A few years ago I was testing a GTH 26 Garden Tractor by Husqvarna. One of the biggest surprises was its speed and I don’t know whether I was the first to write of the Husqy tractor’s speed,but it fulfilled my need for speed. Well it seems the Husqvarna Fast Tractor has now graduated to video gaming land. That alone is cool, but to me its cooler to actually drive one of the fast tractors. I knew the Husqvarna GTH26 would run circles around my John Deere, but it was so much faster that I GPS’d the speed. The GPS doesn’t lie and my Husqvarna tractor was getting crazy mph, think zero turn commercial unit speed. Check out Husqvarna’s Fast Tractor page for the new tractor’s information and while there take a look at who is using a Husqvarna to do yard laps when he is not on the asphalt of NASCAR tracks across the country. Better yet, go test one out! To see Hal’s review of the Husqvarna GTH 26 go here Husqvarna Garden Tractor Review .