Woodgrain Frames and Decorative Hardware Enhance the Home.
Imagine a family gathering room with modern maple hardwood floors and furnishings. Complementing the setting are energy-efficient Simonton windows with maple woodgrain interiors and matching grids.
“Selecting replacement windows that reflect personal design style is one of today’s hottest trends,” says Tom Kraeutler, host of the nationally-syndicated home improvement radio show, The Money Pit. “Homeowners can put their own ‘style stamp’ on the project by choosing custom window interiors to complement their furniture, lighting fixtures, cabinetry and other home furnishings.
“Replacement windows can really play an active role in both the interior and exterior design and styling of a home. Consumers can select warm cherry interiors, classic oak or contemporary maple to match their home’s interior while choosing a completely different exterior to complement their siding, shutters and trim.”
To create these different styling combinations in the home, Kraeutler suggests looking into unique window options, like those offered in the Decorum™ collection by Simonton Windows®. Decorum options allow homeowners to create custom interiors by requesting the rich warmth of durable scratch-resistant woodgrain laminate interiors, including Antique Cherry, Maple, Contemporary Oak and Pure White, with grid options to match. To accent the windows, and complement other metal home accents, custom interior hardware is available in Brushed Nickel, Oil-Rubbed Bronze and Polished Brass.
“Our show gets a good number of calls from people looking to have two-tone vinyl windows,” says Kraeutler. “They’re interested in a white interior and a colored exterior vinyl frame. That’s completely possible with the Decorum by Simonton collection. You can have a Pure White laminate interior on a vinyl replacement window or patio door with either Driftwood or Tan colors for the exterior. You can even get matching two-tone grids. Throw in classic hardware accents like Oil-Rubbed Bronze or Brushed Nickel, and these options make it easy for homeowners to get windows and doors that really complement their unique living style.”
Saving Money With Style
Products featured in the Decorum by Simonton collection can be ordered with energy-efficient Simonton Energy Tax Credit (ETC) glass packages that are guaranteed to qualify for the federal tax credit of up to $1,500. Simonton ETC glass packages are certified by the National Fenestration Rating Council to meet a U-factor rating of 0.30 or less, and a Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) of 0.30 or less.
According to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, homeowners can gain a tax credit of up to 30 percent of the cost of qualifying energy efficient upgrades to a maximum of $1,500 per household for 2009 and 2010. The regulations provide five times more tax credit to homeowners than was previously available under a similar bill, which allowed up to only $200 tax credit on energy efficient window purchases. Additionally, the law has some very specific restrictions, including:
1. Windows purchased must be equal to, or below, a U-factor of 0.30 and a Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) of 0.30.
2. The purchase of the qualified windows must be made during the taxable year for which the credit is being claimed.
3. The credit is only allowed on the price of the qualified windows themselves, not on installation costs, onsite preparation, assembly or sales tax.
4. The tax credit is allowable only for qualified window units placed in service in 2009 and 2010.
Simonton Windows has created the www.simonton.com/taxcredit information site for homeowners, providing more details on the energy tax credit. The specially-designed one-click location has a full listing of Simonton windows that qualify for the tax credit, a question-and-answer section, downloadable forms, case studies on energy efficient windows and links to sites with additional information. Homeowners may also order literature from the site and gain more specific details on the tax credit program.