Is there any way to reduce odor from a roof’s sewer vent?

Q: Is there any way to reduce odor from a roof’s sewer vent?

A: A house’s plumbing vent is directly tied to the sewer/septic system, but normally gasses that rise from vents are carried away by the wind. Occasionally, the wind can push those gasses down toward your yard. To stop this from happening, consider installing a sewer/septic vent pipe filter, which is designed to eliminate the foul “rotten egg” smell originating from rooftop plumbing vent pipes. The filters usually fit onto vent pipes without tools or glue and are charged with Activated Carbon which captures the Hydrogen Sulfide (smelly gas) molecule. Note that pipe filters will only eliminate odors that originate at plumbing vent pipes; indoor odors are caused by dry drain traps and toilet wax rings that have failed. You can find sewer vent filters at

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