Family Garden Project Update Number Three June 10, 2010

I miss weeding.  These inverted/upside-down, “Topsy Turvy”  planters have taken away weeding as an excuse to get outside for some quite time.  Basically, I water every other day and add fertilizer every 5 days and that is it.  The plants are doing well and the girls love seeing the blooms turn into little peppers and little tomatoes, but in some masochistic way, I do miss getting on my knees and whacking weeds with a hoe.  In order to keep my psychological balance, this week I added some plants in the ground. (Click on the Photo for an enlarged view)

Topsy Turvy Planter has really come to life after three weeks
Basil on the left hand side, tomatillos in the front, Big Beef Tomato on the right

Yesterday afternoon I noticed my largest tomato plant had finally inverted. Is anyone else bothered by the stems beginning to look like a towel that has been wring to dry?  I am beginning to see more blooms on all of my plants. This is a good thing for my tomatoes and peppers, but my herbs, especially my basil is beginning to show signs of blooming and this is not a good thing. Next year, herbs will be kept seperate from tomatoes. I knew better, but I was planting according to a them for my children’s benefit. Basil goes with tomatoes on the plate better than they go together in a planter.

My pepper planter is doing ok, but not as well as the tomatoes. Already I can see Jalapenas and Cayenne peppers on the plants, but the foliage growth is not as robust as what I see on the tomato plants. Anyone who has had success with these planters, please advise.

Jalapena Pepper Plant in a Topsy Turvy Planter after Three Weeks
Topsy Turvy Planter with Jalapena Pepper

For more family gardening post check these out Gardening with Your Kids, Garden Update Week Two, Update Number Four and The Great Pumpkin and the IBEW Strike of 1966.

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