50 Painter’s Pyramid Winners Drawn Today

My fingers are numb from drawing names this afternoon, but we just finished and here is the list of the 50 Winners of the Painter’s Pyramid Sets. If your name is below, Painter’s Pyramid will be shipping your prize very soon.  Feel free to register again for the September sweeps where 50 more winners will be drawn at the conclusion of September. The winning names are listed here–>

Bradd Jordan, Paula Avery, Elizabeth Pacheco, Gary Norton, Frank Swietlik, Les Lehs, Eddie Bingham, Tim Brown, Sharon McCloud, Donna Cohen, Thomas Cotnoir, Curt McCandless, JoAnn Opfer, Pam Poirot, Donna Mann, Karin Maroney, Beverley Justice, Pam Richards, Robert Noll, Nancy Kee, Janice Crespo, Kristen Hendricks, Glenn Kasprzak, William Lockhart, Dave Stephenson, Del Emory, Maggie Ballard, Cheryl Reinhardt, Jon Wickersheim, Norman Secrest, Beth Elder, Gregory Hill, Rose Shartle, Sally Wess, Jennifer Barnett, William Wolff, Jason Hoover, JORGE AVALOS, Robert Scroggs, James Murray, Faye Radford, Glenna Forbes, Jill Lucas, Kurt Smith, Stephen Hei,l Christopher Wunsch, Mike  Roche, Rich Schott, Michael Cavender.

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